ChangaLab - Currency Exchange Platform

Changalab is a complete solution for an Online Currency Exchange package.

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Admin Features

- 100% Secure Admin Dashboard.
- User Manager.
- Exchange Manager.
- Currency Manager.
- Refferal Manager.
- Automated Deposits Manager.
- Manual Deposits Manager..
- Withdrawals Manager.
- Various Payment Method.
- Currency Setup Manager.
- Email Unverified Users.
- Report Manager.
- Support Ticket.
- Subscriber Manager.
- Content Manager.
- Core Feature Settings.
- Interface Control.
- Logo & Favicon Setting.
- Plugin & Extension Manager.
- SEO Manager.
- Page Builder.
- And More….

User Features

- 100% Secure User Dashboard.
- Transaction History
- Approved History
- Pending History
- Refunded History
- Cancled History
- Ticket Manager.
- Withdrawals log Manager.
- Profile setup Manager.


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